Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Bunheads by Sophie Flack

Bunheads by Sophie Flack


Bunheads by Sophie Flack PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In a crowd of beautiful ballet dancers, how can one girl stand out?

As a dancer with the ultra-prestigious Manhattan Ballet company, nineteen-year-old Hannah Ward juggles intense rehearsals, dazzling performances, and complicated backstage relationships. But when she meets a spontaneous and irresistibly cute musician named Jacob, her universe begins to change.

Until now, Hannah has happily followed the company's unofficial mantra, "Don't think, just dance." But as Jacob opens her eyes to the world beyond the theater, Hannah must decide whether to compete against the other "bunheads" for a star soloist spot or to strike out on her own.

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