Sabtu, 15 November 2014

PDF⋙ Ukiyo-e: The Art of the Japanese Print by Frederick Harris

Ukiyo-e: The Art of the Japanese Print by Frederick Harris

Ukiyo-e: The Art of the Japanese Print

Ukiyo-e: The Art of the Japanese Print by Frederick Harris PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The art of Japanese woodblock printing, known as ukiyo-e ("pictures of the floating world"), reflects the rich history and way of life in Japan hundreds of years ago. Ukiyo-e: The Art of the Japanese Print takes a thematic approach to this iconic Japanese art form, considering prints by subject matter: geisha and courtesans, kabuki actors, sumo wrestlers, erotica, nature, historical subjects and even images of foreigners in Japan.

An artist himself, author Frederick Harris—a well-known American collector who lived in Japan for 50 years—pays special attention to the methods and materials employed in Japanese printmaking. The book traces the evolution of ukiyo-e from its origins in metropolitan Edo (Tokyo) art culture as black and white illustrations, to delicate two-color prints and multicolored designs. Advice to admirers on how to collect, care for, view and buy Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock prints rounds out this book of charming, carefully selected prints.

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