Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Our Money, Our Values: Building a Just and Sustainable World by Holley Hewitt Ulbrich, Catherine Mobley

Our Money, Our Values: Building a Just and Sustainable World by Holley Hewitt Ulbrich, Catherine Mobley

Our Money, Our Values: Building a Just and Sustainable World

Our Money, Our Values: Building a Just and Sustainable World by Holley Hewitt Ulbrich, Catherine Mobley PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Our Money, Our Values explores three critical steps for churches, community leaders, and individuals to effectively and fundamentally transform their relationship with money into a positive tool for advocacy, building community and increasing social values. Additionally, it will not merely proclaim and affirm that they believe in a just and sustainable world, but live out those values in every dimension of their personal and communal lives. In a sequential manner, the book addresses how money is psychologically and socially connected to everyday life. It identifies and explores shared social values, and sheds light on how money is infused into communities, starting with personal relationships and then extending to larger communities of neighborhoods, cities, faith communities, and beyond. Each chapter offers ways to apply and transform an individual's or community's relationship with money into a means of service for a social, just, and sustainable world.

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Our Money, Our Values: Building a Just and Sustainable World by Holley Hewitt Ulbrich, Catherine Mobley Mobipocket
Our Money, Our Values: Building a Just and Sustainable World by Holley Hewitt Ulbrich, Catherine Mobley EPub

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