Kamis, 30 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice by Keith Dinnie

Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice by Keith Dinnie

Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice

Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice by Keith Dinnie PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Nation Branding: Concepts, Issues, Practice was the ground-breaking first textbook to provide an overview of this recently established but fast-growing practice, in which the principles of brand management are applied to countries rather than companies. Many governments have invested in nation branding in order to strengthen their country's influence, improve its reputation, or boost tourism, trade and investment.

This new edition has been comprehensively revised and its influential original framework modified to reflect the very latest changes to this still-developing field. It remains an accessible blend of theory and practice rich with international examples and contributions.

Updates to this edition:

  • New international cases of countries as diverse as China, United Arab Emirates, Ghana, Cuba, India, Great Britain and many more;

  • New contributions from distinguished scholars, diplomats and businesspeople providing a range of case studies, practitioner insights and academic perspectives;

  • New Companion Website to support the book featuring instructor aids such as PowerPoint presentations for each chapter and an instructor manual;

This much-anticipated update to an influential book is an essential introduction to nation branding for students and policy makers.

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