Heroines of Mercy Street: The Real Nurses of the Civil War by Pamela D. Toler PhD
Heroines of Mercy Street: The Real Nurses of the Civil War by Pamela D. Toler PhD PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A look at the lives of the real nurses depicted in the PBS show Mercy StreetHEROINES OF MERCY STREET tells the true stories of the nurses at Mansion House, the Alexandria, Virginia, mansion turned war-time hospital and setting for the new PBS drama Mercy Street. Among the Union soldiers, doctors, wounded men from both sides, freed slaves, politicians, speculators, and spies who passed through the hospital in the crossroads of the Civil War, were nurses who gave their time freely and willingly to save lives and aid the wounded.
These women saw casualties on a scale Americans had never seen before, and medicine was at a turning point. HEROINES OF MERCY STREET follows the lives of women like Dorothea Dix, Mary Phinney, Anne Reading, and more before, during, and after their epic struggle in Alexandria and reveals their personal contributions to this astounding period in the advancement of medicine.
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