Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club: Power, Passion, and Politics in the Nation's Capital by C. David Heymann

The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club: Power, Passion, and Politics in the Nation's Capital by C. David Heymann

The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club: Power, Passion, and Politics in the Nation's Capital

The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club: Power, Passion, and Politics in the Nation's Capital by C. David Heymann PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In this definitive portrait of the political and social life of Georgetown, bestselling biographer C. David Heymann chronicles the dinner parties, correspondence, overlappings, and underpinnings of some of the most influential women in Washington's history.

"The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club" -- a term coined by Ronald Reagan -- comprises a list of formidable and fascinating women, among them Katharine Graham, Lorraine Cooper, Evangeline Bruce, Pamela Harriman, and Sally Quinn. Their husbands, government officials and newsmakers among them, relied on the ladies for their sharp wit and sensitivity, refined bearings, and congeniality. In a city characteristically and traditionally controlled by men, the Georgetown wives were, in turn, afforded an abundance of behind-the-scenes political clout.

Filled with intriguing and often startling insights into Washington life, from the latter days of the Kennedy and Truman administrations to the Clinton era and the advent of President George W. Bush, The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club is a compelling testament to the sex, lies, and red tape of American politics.

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