Minggu, 07 September 2014

PDF⋙ Long-Term Care: Nursing Standards, Policies, and Procedures by O. Alice Leshem, Dorothy Varholak

Long-Term Care: Nursing Standards, Policies, and Procedures by O. Alice Leshem, Dorothy Varholak

Long-Term Care: Nursing Standards, Policies, and Procedures

Long-Term Care: Nursing Standards, Policies, and Procedures by O. Alice Leshem, Dorothy Varholak PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Inside this comprehensive resource, you'll find step-by-step guidelines for virtually every task your nursing department faces. From setting qualifications for a new Director of Nursing Services to scheduling dental clinic appointments. Establishing visiting hours to determining when to make a room change. Screening for tuberculosis to conducting a search for a missing resident. But Long-Term Care: Nursing Standards, Policies, and Procedures is much more than a simple "how-to" book. It also sets a tone that emphasizes quality outcomes. It sees the resident not as the recipient of bureaucratic fallout-but as the all-important focus on every nursing activity. This invaluable reference is an investment that will pay for itself many times over…by saving you time, money, and the hassles and headaches of reinventing the wheel. What's more, you'll never have to worry about whether your recordkeeping meets Medicare standards…or whether your reporting practices are in line with CDC regulations. The author has methodically examined all applicable guidelines issued by these organizations - and by ANA, Joint Commission, Medicaid, OBRA, and OSHA - to ensure compliance.

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Long-Term Care: Nursing Standards, Policies, and Procedures by O. Alice Leshem, Dorothy Varholak EPub

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