Kamis, 18 September 2014

PDF⋙ Who Paid the Piper?: CIA and the Cultural Cold War by Frances Stonor Saunders

Who Paid the Piper?: CIA and the Cultural Cold War by Frances Stonor Saunders

Who Paid the Piper?: CIA and the Cultural Cold War

Who Paid the Piper?: CIA and the Cultural Cold War by Frances Stonor Saunders PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

During the Cold War, writers and artists were faced with a huge challenge. In the Soviet world, they were expected to turn out works that glorified militancy, struggle and relentless optimism. In the West, freedom of expression was vaunted as liberal democracy's most cherished possession. But such freedom could carry a cost. This book documents the extraordinary energy of a secret campaign in which some of the most vocal exponents of intellectual freedom in the West were instruments - whether they knew it or not, whether they liked it or not - of America's secret service.

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